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Home Care U

A free education series for home care owners—because nobody went to school to learn how to run a home care agency.

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UPCOMING: The Most Dangerous Threat to Home Care Owners: Burnout (Jessica Nobles Pt. 2)

You may be asking yourself, how much stress in home care is normal vs. unhealthy? Some days are harder than others, and some weeks seem to drag on, and sometimes you're on the verge of a total meltdown. Jessica Nobles returns to talk about the very real case of burnout that all owners face at some point during their journey—and she's hear to provide relief and solutions.

UPCOMING: How to Structure Service Hours to Increase Margins (Jessica Nobles Pt. 1)

Home care scheduling often gets compared to jigsaw puzzles or a chess match or sometimes pure chaos. Juggling shifts, managing evolving clients needs, balancing caregiver availability…it’s an ongoing struggle for nearly every agency. Jessica Nobles, Founder of Home Care Ops is here to help you bring order to the chaos by teaching her method: structured scheduling.

Expert Session Continued: Analyzing Your Home Care Financial Performance

There are a 100 ways to slice and dice business revenue. Dana's back to give insight on analyzing revenue, how to calculate and monitor margins, and common pitfalls when it comes to overhead costs. She'll also cover tips for long-term revenue management and budgeting that works.

Expert Session on Home Care Billing, Invoicing, and Managing Accounts Receivable (Dana Charumbira Pt. 1)

Establishing the proper payment terms and invoicing frequency impacts all downstream revenue and cashflow. However, many agencies are doing it wrong. Dana Charumbira, Managing Director of The Home Care CPAs, is here to set the record straight and detail out small billing improvements that will help you scale revenue faster.

The Careswitch Story—And How We're Building the Future of Home Care

Home Care U is brought to you by Careswitch. Co-Founder and CEO of Careswitch, Ilya Vakhutinsky is here to share his founder story, why we went all in on AI, and his vision for the future of home care.

Four Proven Strategies to Breakaway from Your Home Care Competition (Aaron Marcum Pt. 2)

Home care competition is heating up nationwide because we all know… the demand is skyrocketing. Aaron Marcum returns to talk about four proven strategies to separate yourself from the rest. We’ll dive into attracting and retaining talent, optimizing internal systems and processes, integrating technology, and gaining business control while also delegating to your team.

How to 10x Your Growth Mindset as a Home Care Owner (Aaron Marcum Pt. 1)

He operated an agency for 7 years, it sold and became publicly traded. He founded Home Care Pulse, it resulted in a 10x exit. He recently guided an independent home care business to 4x their revenue in less than 24 months. You could say he knows what he’s doing—Aaron Marcum joins Home Care U to talk about how your home care business will never grow beyond your thinking and why that matters.

How to Refresh Your Home Care Brand to Drive New Business (Adam Corcoran Pt. 2)

Is your home care brand getting lost amongst your competition? Is your branding material attracting new clients and caregivers? These are the types of questions you should be asking yourself—but also, Adam Corcoran, branding expert is here to help you answer. Listen to learn things like what branding material actually matters to when to consider rebranding your home care agency.

The Benefits of LTC Clients and How to Scale LTC Revenue (Adam Corcoran Pt. 1)

Many home care businesses only have a small portion of revenue from Long Term Care Insurance. Adam Corcoran, former Director of Business Development at Golden Care and CEO of Elevation Marketing is here to talk about how he became an expert in LTC and how it resulted in over $1M in LTC claims per year for the business.

How Leadership was the Key to Grow the Business to 1 Million Hours of Care Annually (Emily Isbell Pt. 2)

The successes and failures of all home care operations tie back to leadership. Emily Isbell returns to break down her approach to roles, responsibilities, meetings, accountability, and development of the office team. The path to success wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, so she’ll include hard lessons learned and honest mistakes made along the way.

The Story from Caregiver to Leading 7 Offices Across 3 States (Emily Isbell Pt. 1)

She started as a caregiver in college. Then quickly realized you could make a living in home care. So, she changed her degree and asked the owner how she could get to his position someday. 14 years later, she’s got one of the most impressive success stories in home care. Emily Isbell, former VP of Operations at Home Instead and current CEO of EI & Company, is here to share her journey and how she did it.

How the Top 5% of Home Care Providers Communicate and Implement KPIs (Stephen Tweed Pt. 2)

KPIs are more than numbers on a spreadsheet; they're accountability metrics embedded in your company culture. In this episode with returning guest, Stephen Tweed, we'll focus on the communication, implementation, and sustainability of the right KPIs for a home care business.

5 Macro Home Care Trends and How They Impact Providers (Stephen Tweed Pt 1.)

He's been called the "godfather of home care" but you may know him as Stephen Tweed, Founder and CEO of Leading Home Care. Join us as we unpack key trends that are shaping the future of home care—we'll discuss topics including: workforce, technology, consolidation, payers, and private caregivers.

Cypress Home Care Earns $400K Grant to Expand Care for Medicaid Clients (Bob Roth & James Cohen Pt. 2)

Cypress Home Care has received the Arizona Healthcare Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) American Rescue Plan (ARP) program award, in partnership with Nevvon and PocketRN. Bob Roth and CEO of Nevvon, James Cohen are here to share how they plan to expand care and drive innovation for Medicaid clients.

Aging in America and Its Impact on the Home Care Industry (Bob Roth Pt. 1)

The world is changing at an accelerated pace, technology is playing a significant role in this change, but it is the demographic shift that is going to have the biggest impact on our country and on humanity.  Bob Roth, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Cypress Home Care is here to discuss how we prepare to care for this growing aging demographic today and into the future.

How to Create a Specialty Program—And Why You Need One (Laura Shaw-deBruin Pt. 2)

The needs of our aging population are complex, personal, and often go beyond the standard ADLs. Norwood Seniors Network runs several specialty programs in parallel with their home care services. Laura’s here to explain how to create a specialty program and the value it drives for the clients and the business.

How Norwood Life Society Pioneered Aging Care in Chicago (Laura Shaw-deBruin Pt. 1)

Not too many senior care companies can say they’ve been around for 120 years. Laura Shaw-deBruin, Executive Director of Norwood Seniors Network will share the inspiration, hurdles, and strategic decisions behind the brand that’s been serving greater Chicago for over a century.

What Performance Metrics Should a Home Care Agency Be Tracking in 2024 and Why (Jensen Jones)

How do you know if you're using the right KPIs? Jensen Jones, CEO of the Home Care CEO Forum, regularly gathers with home care owners in the top 10% of the industry—he's here to share his deep research on metrics and how to pick the right KPIs for your business.

Little Decisions That Had the Most Outsized Impact on His Business (Kunu Kaushal Pt. 2)

Kunu Kaushal returns to break down a handful of seemingly small decisions that he’s made, that have actually had a huge impact on his business—be prepared for some surprises.

Some Big Mistakes He Made—And What He’d Do Differently (Kunu Kaushal Pt. 1)

Ever wanted to hear a few vulnerable mistakes made by a wildly successful leader in home care? Well, here’s your chance. Kunu Kaushal, Founder and CEO of Senior Solutions in Tennessee, will share some distinct mistakes he’s made along the way and what he’d do differently if he could go back.

The Change Healthcare Data Breach and What it Means for Home Care Providers (Joseph Dworcan)

The healthcare sector just got hit with a cyberattack that could be the most significant in its history. Joseph Dworcan, VP of Product Strategy at Paradigm Senior Services joins us to discuss what happened, who's impacted, and how providers can better safeguard their data.

What To Do—8 Things the Most Successful Franchisees Are Doing (Matt Ericksen Pt. 2)

Top performers are intentional about how they think about and run their business. Matt Ericksen is back to share a specific list of tactics that he’s observed while visiting top franchisees around the country.

What Not to Do—Lessons Learned from Underperforming Franchisees (Matt Ericksen Pt. 1)

Sometimes it’s better to learn from the mistakes and failures of others. Another owners’ misstep could be an avoided pitfall for you. Matt Ericksen, Director of Sales & Operations at Griswold, is here to share uncomfortable truths and stories about franchisees falling behind.

A Deep-Dive Into Territory Analysis & Optimization (Julio Briones Pt. 2)

You're almost certainly not taking full advantage of the local opportunities for referral marketing and recruitment within a few miles of your office. Julio Briones, CEO of Briones Home Care Consulting, is here to talk about why—and how to fix that. Click the blue button on the left to register for the live Q+A.

How to Create a 12-Month Strategic Plan For Your Home Care Agency (Julio Briones Pt. 1)

A pitfall of the entrepreneurial mindset is the tendency to just do stuff and see if your business grows as a result. What could possibly go wrong? We're bringing back one of our most popular guests, Julio Briones, to talk about creating a strategic plan for consistent, predictable growth.

The Ins And Outs of Growing a Home Care Agency Through Acquisitions (John Bennett Pt. 2)

For agencies trying to enter new markets or unlock new growth potential, acquisition is increasingly being recognized as a lever to do so. In this episode, John Bennett of Sunny Days In-Home Care will cover his experiences growing through acquisition and help you understand whether this strategy could make sense for you.

How A High School Football Coach Landed His Home Care Agency On the Inc 5000 Fastest-Growing Companies List (John Bennett Pt. 1)

Within a few years, John Bennett went from high school football coach to CEO of one of the country's fastest-growing home care companies. What can other owners learn from his journey? Let's find out.

What You Need to Know If You've Ever Considered Selling Your Agency (Doni Perl)

Whether it's on the horizon or a vague future hope in the moments when you have time to step back and take a breath, you probably intend to sell your agency at some point. In this class, we're teaming up with a private equity advisor specializing in home care transactions to go through all the questions that will help you make educated decisions to work toward this goal.

So You've Been Acquired By A Private Equity Firm. Now What? (Catherine Vergara Pt. 2)

Over the last several years, private equity firms have started buying up home care agencies across the country. How does this impact the people in an agency, how do you maintain a good working relationship with the new owners, and how can agencies ensure that clients and caregivers remain the priority?

What Is Care Management And How Does It Affect Home Care Services? (Catherine Vergara Pt. 1)

More and more agencies are adding care management. How does it work, how does it fit into your overall strategy, and how can you decide whether or not to pursue it? Catherine Vergara, president of Texas-based CareFor, is here to tell all.

The Processes and Culture It Takes to Grow 300% Year-Over-Year (Becky Reel Pt. 2)

Becky Reel's agency earned the highest client and caregiver satisfaction scores of any home care agency in North America while growing as rapidly as 300% YoY—all while she was raising two young kids with her husband. In part 1 we learned her story; in part 2, we dig into the processes and strategy she used to make it all happen.

The Story of the #1 Rated Home Care Agency in North America (Becky Reel Pt. 1)

Becky Reel's agency earned the highest client and caregiver satisfaction scores of any home care agency in North America while growing as rapidly as 300% YoY—all while she was raising two young kids with her husband and dealing with a slew of health challenges. How'd she do it? We're going to find out.

Why You Should Care About Cheer Home Care's Caregiver Tier System (Gabrielle Pumpian and Brooke Martindale)

Why are some of Cheer Home Care's caregivers required to have bachelors degrees? Where is Cheer finding these caregivers? And how does the pricing system they've invented impact the idea of caregiving as a true career? These are all questions we're excited to dig into in this episode.

How to Build Referral Relationships When Donuts And Cold Calls Aren't Cutting It Anymore (Gabrielle Pumpian)

Referral sources are the foundation of most large agencies' revenue. But as any experienced marketer will tell you, establishing these relationships has gotten more and more competitive. Here's how 3x home care marketer Gabrielle Pumpian is handling the challenge.

How to Find, Train, and Develop Great Administrators (Krystal Wilkinson)

Having run a successful agency for ten years and serving as the president of Arizona's chapter of the Home Care Association of America, Krystal Wilkinson's passion is developing leadership talent. Join us as she sounds off on this very challenging aspect of home care agency management.

Common Threads Between the Most Successful Home Care Leaders (Miriam Allred)

Miriam Allred has spent five years interviewing hundreds of home care's top leaders. In 60 minutes, here's what she's learned from them—and what she says they're all doing similarly.

How to Become A Community Pillar So That Referral Sources Come to You (Lance A. Slatton)

Rated the top local business in the state of Michigan, Enriched Life Home Care enjoys every agency's dream: their referral partners come to them. How did they do it? We're here to find out.

Retention Strategies to Keep Caregivers For the Long-Haul (Kristin Beckholt & Stephanie Coursey Pt. 2)

Kristin Beckholt is a home care success story—an RN who started her own agency, scaled it, and now helps other agencies do the same. Part of her secret is her laser-focus on caregiver experience and culture, starting with the moment they apply. Come here both sides of the story as we interview Kristin alongside her lead care professional, Stephanie Coursey. In this episode we discuss their Tik Tok account: you can find it at @ihcofwashington on Tik Tok.

How to Retain More Caregivers From Application to Day 90 (Kristin Beckholt & Stephanie Coursey Pt. 1)

Kristin Beckholt is a home care success story—an RN who started her own agency, scaled it, and now helps other agencies do the same. Part of her secret is her laser-focus on caregiver experience and culture, starting with the moment they apply. Come here both sides of the story as we interview Kristin alongside her lead care professional, Stephanie Coursey. Click the blue link on the left side of the screen to register.

How to Sharpen Your Recruitment Marketing With the 7 Caregiver Personas (Maggie Keen Pt. 2)

In part 2 of our series with MissionCare Collective, we’re here to talk about their Workforce Study, the seven caregiver personas it highlights, and the very specific way this information can help you upgrade your recruitment strategy.

The Hidden Challenges of Running a Home Care Agency (Maggie Keen Pt. 1)

New data from MissionCare Collective paints a detailed picture of the parts of home care people that are tough to talk about—everything from racist requests by clients to caregivers being 3x more likely to experience anxiety and depression than the overall US population. Maggie Keen, VP of MissionCare Collective, is here to explain these findings and share ways that home care agencies can navigate the challenges that no one likes to talk about.

How to Build An Agency That Can Grow Without You (Andrea Cohen)

Whether you plan to eventually sell, want to exit daily operations, or just want to get a good night's sleep now and then, you'll need to build up processes and leaders who can keep your agency going without you. Andrea Cohen, founder of Houseworks and HCAOA board member, is here to talk about how she successfully did it.

A Detailed Look At Building Your Marketing Budget (corecubed pt. 2)

How much should you pay a marketer? How much should you put into community advertising? How about online leads? Google ads? With all these decisions, it can be tough to decide where to put your marketing dollars. In part 2 of our series with the marketing experts from corecubed, we'll discuss how to go about making these decisions.

What Marketing Should You Handle In-House And What Should You Outsource? (corecubed pt. 1)

"Marketing" is a broad term in home care that includes everything from community networking to web design to Google Ads. Every agency owner faces the decision of what to do themselves, what to hire an employee to do, and what to outsource completely to a contractor. The marketing experts from corecubed are here to talk about how to make these decisions.

How To Decide Which Social Media Platforms To Use (Nick Bonitatibus Pt. 2)

Social media can be a core element of your marketing and recruitment success, or it can be a discouraging time suck that yields little or nothing to show. In this episode we go platform-by-platform and channel-by-channel to talk about which ones you should be on and which ones aren't worth your time. Spoiler: some of the big ones aren't worth it.

How to Make Hard-Hitting Video Marketing Content On A Tight Budget (Nick Bonitatibus Pt. 1)

The episode for people who have repeatedly been told they need to be using video to market their home care agency, but don't know where to start.

Operational Strategies to Beat Growth Plateaus (Jesse Walters)

Jesse Walters sees scaling home care agencies as a repeatable, predictable process if you understand the science behind it. Join us as we mine his knowledge from his time in executive leadership at TheKey and now as CEO of Hillendale Home Care.

How to Make Organization Culture Your Competitive Advantage (Aaron Stapleton)

Culture is like a garden—something is going to grow whether you like it or not. It's your choice whether what grows is weeds or flowers. Join us as Aaron Stapleton, longtime home care leader and CEO, breaks down his experiences and strategies for intentionally creating a great organizational culture.

How to Convert More Online Leads to Clients (A Place For Mom Pt. 2)

Online lead sites can be expensive, and it's no use getting leads if you aren't converting them. Since these leads are typically sold to multiple agencies at once, it's a race to contact them first and it's all too easy for them to fall between the cracks. We're bringing on the experts from A Place For Mom to talk about the best ways you can convert more leads to clients.

How to Maximize the Number of Online Leads You're Getting (A Place For Mom Pt. 1)

Very few home care agencies succeed without at least some amount of online marketing in their mix. We're bringing on the experts from A Place For Mom to talk about the strategies you should know if you want to make the most of the dollars you're putting into online lead sites and other digital marketing.

Demystifying the Deep Dark World of Third-Party Billing (Greg Bean Pt. 2)

Third-party billing is one of the most technical, opaque topics in home care—yet it's a critical part of business growth for thousands of agencies. We've found one of the industry's leading experts on how the various types of third-party billing work and he's giving a masterclass on moving into Medicaid billing, long-term care insurance, Medicare Advantage, and more. Click the blue button on the left side of your screen to register for the class.

The Positive-Psychology-Based Caregiver Onboarding Program Made By An Agency-Owner-Turned-Coach (Sandi McCann)

Sandi McCann founded, grew, and sold a successful home care agency in Colorado (continuing to work with the new owners), then took a leadership position on the HCAOA board while becoming a consultant. Much of her success can be attributed to approaches to caregiver retention. Recently, she's turned her attention to applied positive psychology and combined her learning with her past experiences to create a caregiver onboarding rooted in evidence-based theories about emotional health and positive reinforcement. Join us as she breaks it down and gives you actionable strategies to use in your own agency.

A Former Insider's Breakdown of the 2023 HCP Benchmark Report (Connor Kunz)

The HCP Benchmark Report, formerly the Home Care Benchmarking Study, is a 200-page report on operational benchmarks and trends for home care agencies. We're here to give you what you need to know from this year's edition in 60 minutes.

2023 Pay Trends: How to Set the Right Compensation For Yourself & Your Employees (Brett Ringold & Matt Ericksen)

How much should you be paying, how much should you be taking in compensation as the owner, and how should you go about setting pay scales? In this special episode with a panel of experts from the Home Care Association of America, we discuss all these questions and more.

How Robots Are Going to Change Your Job—And Why They Need To (Romi Gubes)

A topic so important it merits a very nontraditional episode. We're bringing on Romi Gubes, CEO of Sensi.ai, to talk about why she feels so strongly that home care needs the help of artificial intelligence that she founded a company to make it happen.

The Art and Science of Scheduling (Brett Ringold Pt. 2)

Part two of our deepest of deep dives into scheduling with the scheduling master himself, Brett Ringold of A Long Term Companion. This episode was produced by KaneCast.

All The Scheduling Optimization Strategies No One Ever Told You (Brett Ringold Pt. 1)

If scheduling is like a Rubik's Cube, Brett Ringold is like that guy you knew in college who could solve it behind his back. Come learn his secrets to optimize this very key part of your operations.

Everything You've Ever Wondered About Third-Party Billing (Greg Bean Pt. 2)

Very few home care companies reach their full potential on private pay alone. Join us as Greg Bean of Paradigm demystifies the process of growing your company on multiple payer sources. Click the blue button on the left side of your screen to register for the class.

Everything You've Ever Wanted to Know About VA BIlling (Greg Bean)

VA billing is one of the most technical, opaque topics in home care—yet it's a critical part of business growth for thousands of agencies. We've found one of the industry's leading experts on how VA billing works and making him tell us everything he knows.

How an Agency in Oklahoma Hit 100% Growth in Two Years in a Row (Tim Smith Pt. 2)

After several years of near-stagnant growth, three things happened that helped Tim Smith double his agency's revenue multiple years in a row. We talk about what those are and what he learned from the experience that you can apply in your own agency. This episode was produced by KaneCast.

How to Keep Control Of Your Money (Tim Smith Pt. 1)

How do you look for signals that your expenses are getting out of line? How can you put processes in place to avoid this? And just where'd all the money go, anyway? Tim Smith, finance guru among home care owners, sounds off.

he Pros And Cons of Becoming A Franchisee (Michelle Cone Pt. 2)

Every home care owner asks themselves whether to go independent or be part of a franchise. The answer depends. Michelle Cone, SVP at HomeWell, explains.

How to Grow Your Home Care Agency Using What You Have Today (Michelle Cone Pt. 1)

Michelle Cone, SVP of HomeWell says you can turn one client into $1M in revenue over time. Here's how.

All Your Insurance Questions Answered (Gavin Studner Pt. 2)

Come learn how to protect your agency, cut down on insurance cost, and ask every insurance question you've ever wanted to ask to a guy who's one of the leading insurance experts in home care.

All Your Questions About Workers Comp Answered (Gavin Studner Pt. 1)

It's your second-largest expense. Learn everything you need to keep it as low as possible.

How To Hire and Retain Caregivers In The Age Of Job-Hopping (Jeff Wiberg Pt. 2)

As CEO of a rapidly-growing home care agency and president of the Home Care Association of America board, Jeff Wiberg has a unique combination of on-the-ground insights and high-level vision. His agency has been used as a case study of caregiver retention; here are his methods.

How To Hire When Hiring Is Tough (Jeff Wiberg Pt. 1)

In summer 2021, the CEO of Family Resource Home Care called an emergency meeting to address their rapidly dwindling hiring pool. The strategies they chose became a case study in how to hire competitively when recruitment feels impossible.

How to Beat Your Competition on Indeed (Rachel Gartner Pt. 2)

In Recruitment 101, we covered Rachel's approach to creating a holistic recruitment strategy. In Recruitment 102, we dive into the most-used recruitment channel: Indeed. Come ready to learn everything about winning on Indeed, from setting budget to writing your ads.

How To Build A Recruitment Strategy (Rachel Gartner Pt. 1)

Rachel Gartner started off as a recruiter for a home care agency. Her methods were so successful that within two years, she was running her own company handling recruitment for home care agencies nationally. Come learn about these methods.

What The First Three Visits With A New Referral Source Should Look Like (Debbie Miller Pt. 2)

Debbie Miller has written a book, figuratively and probably literally, on how home care agencies should go about building referral partnerships. In this episode, she'll break down what the first three visits should look like (in minute detail) to maximize likelihood of success.

Planning and Building Referral Pipelines (Debbie Miller Pt. 1)

Debbie Miller built two multi-million dollar companies on the back of rock-solid referral marketing. Here's how she did it.

How to Run a Profitable Home Care Agency (Mark Johnson Pt. 2)

Take a not-strictly-tax-related-deep-dive with us as Mark Johnson, who's worked with dozens of home care agencies to help them not only minimize taxes but also build profitability, discusses the financial practices and strategies that work.

What Your Home Care Agency Should Be Doing to Minimize Its Tax Burden (Mark Johnson Pt. 1)

Every year, too many home care agency owners—especially new owners—are slammed by taxes and legislation they had no idea about it. Come learn how to not be one of them.

Financial Horror Stories And How Not To Become One (Jen Ramos Pt. 2)

A home care agency can have good caregivers, great staff, plenty of clients, and still fail if they don't manage their financials correctly. Come learn what NOT to do.

The Financial Basics of Running a Home Care Agency (Jen Ramos Pt. 1)

Jennifer Ramos managed and sold three different home care agencies before turning her attention to helping other people do the same. Come ready to learn all the things nobody ever told you about building a solid financial foundation for your home care agency.

The 3 Critical Decisions Most New Agencies Get Wrong (Julio Briones Pt. 2)

Julio Briones is the guy home care agencies call in to fix things when all else fails. According to Julio, there are three critical decisions up front that most new agencies get wrong. (Hint: your office location matters more than you think, and there's a very specific reason.) Get your note pad and come ready to learn from others' mistakes.

The 6 Most Dangerous Pitfalls For New Agencies (Julio Briones Pt. 1)

Starting a home care agency is never for the faint of heart, but it doesn't need to be as difficult as it sometimes is. Here are six things most likely to sink your agency in its early stages and what you can do about them.